I have no problem with similar firmware using SMING framework. I would like to understand the process of programming binary file as I encountered strange behavior with SPIFFS with ESP8266 Arduino. How does Arduino esptool know which address to use for allocating to SPIFFS file system address?
#Esp8266 firmware download update
Application for firmware update ESP8266 will use Flash. Why isn't there a separate bin file for SPIFFS for Arduino? I noticed the tool "mkspiffs.exe" in esp8266\tools\mkspiffs folder is not used during compilation of the bin file. To update the firmware you must download the special tool application and the firmware itself. There are some puzzling aspects in the command used for Arduino flash download.

#Esp8266 firmware download serial
This command is used for flashing the binary firmware.nin into ESP8266 using the SMING framework. Nodemcu comes with a USB to serial chip (CP2102), which can be directly PC. esptool.exe -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp COM3 -ca 0x00000 -cf firmware.bin This command is used for flashing the binary firmware.bin into ESP8266 for Arduino.

I am using ESP8266 Arduino with SPIFFS to store configuration settings.